The Areas of Focus are now being referred to as Causes on the RI website. The terminology has changed only as far as when speaking to the general public. For simplicity of conversation and greater clarification, RI would like us to use the term causes when speaking about the issues that Rotary focuses on with non-Rotarians. Our causes are: Promoting Peace; Fighting Disease; Providing Clean Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene; Saving Mothers and Children; Supporting Education; Growing Local Economies; and Protecting the Environment.
My Rotary - The Learning Centre Presentations provide a great overview and key information about each topic.
District Grants
The District Grants Program allows Clubs who have completed the Grants Program Qualification Training to apply for funding from District 7010’s District Designated Fund (DDF) to help finance relatively small, short-term activities and projects that address the needs of a local, national or international community. Those activities and projects help Rotarians contribute to world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving people’s health, supporting education, and alleviating poverty.
For Rotary Year 2023-2024, District 7010 will match Club district grant project investments 2:1 to a maximum of $2,000 CAD. For example:
- $500 (club) + $1,000 (district grant) = $1,500 income
- $1,000 (club) + $2,000 (district grant) = $3,000 income
- $2,000 (club) + $2,000 (district grant) = $4,000 income
The district grant initiation process for Rotary Clubs begins in mid-February and ends on 1 June. That process involves the following steps:
Step 1:
Cultivate ideas for a district grant project, then |
Step 2: | Confirm that the proposed project adheres to Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants, then |
Step 3: | Take steps to get the Club “certified” (eligible) to receive district grant program funding, then |
Step 4: | Finalize project details and create a budget, then |
Step 5: | Apply for district grant funding not later than 1 June through the District’s online grant management system. |
For more information about the District Grants Program, please contact Drew Markham, District Grants Sub-Committee Chair at
Global Grants
Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus. By working together to respond to real community needs, clubs and districts strengthen their global partnerships.
For global grants there is no deadline for applications. They are accepted and processed anytime as long as the club and person submitting the application has successfully completed the Grants Program Qualification Training in the RI Learning Centre and advised the Global Grants Sub-Committee Chair that they have done so, and are thereby certified to apply for a global grant in the year in which the grant is being applied for. Individuals who have completed the training can complete the 'Recertification Training' in subsequent years and again advise the Global Grants Sub-Committee Chair.
Prior to going into, and starting the online Global Grant process, you must complete the online Intent to Submit a Global Grant Form. Your submitted form will automatically be sent to Kim Giffen, Global Grants Sub-Committee Chair, who will help you move forward.
The Rotary Foundation matches the funds the District contributes [District Designated Funds] at 80% and a 2.5% administration fee is added.
Read A Guide to Global Grants for detailed information on planning your project, applying for a grant to fund it, carrying it out, and reporting on your progress and outcome.
For more info click HERE.
Grants Program Participation - Club Eligibility Requirements
"Spotlight on Service" - Global Grants: Rotary’s way of supporting Rotarians as Rotarians do long-term sustainable projects. December 03, 2019.
The District Foundation Director and Committee Chairs are available to provide information, answer your questions, assist your club with completing grant applications, making presentations on The Rotary Foundation programs to your members, club executive and/or Foundation Committee; AND helping to provided you with project ideas.
Delegation allows some club and district leaders to share their level of Grant Centre access with other Rotary members, allowing them to view, edit, and authorize applications. This way, clubs and districts can customize the Grant Centre to meet their needs more efficiently.
For more on grants, the guide How to Use the Grant Centre includes information about authorizing a global grant application, adding bank account information, and reporting on a global grant.
Individual, Club and District giving to The Rotary Foundation can be viewed by signing into My Rotary. Click on Manage > Club & District Administration > Contributions and select the report you wish to view.
Zones 28 & 32 Summit - Rotary Foundation