Donate directly to Shelter Box Canada (www.shelterboxCanada.org/gifts), 1-855-875-4661

ShelterBox needs your district's help to not only meet the needs of families devastated by ongoing disasters, but to ensure that we can replenish our aid warehouses to respond quickly to the next inevitable disaster.
Stock the Box is one way individuals, clubs and other organizations can contribute, so we can be prepared for the next disaster that happens. You can help replenish our aid by stocking the box so that we can be ready to respond to the next disaster when it happens. Learn more about Stock the Box.

Did you know we also have Rotarian volunteers in your district who would love to help you support ShelterBox? In District 7010 your volunteers are Bryn Styles from the Rotary Club of Barrie-Huronia and Jeff Celentano from the Rotary Club of North Bay. I have CC'd them on this email to ensure you can contact them for any support you need.
Without Rotary's support, ShelterBox would not be able to ensure so many families receive the emergency aid they need. Take care in these trying times and keep making change in your community and around the world.
Yours in Service,

Allison Kingston
Member, Rotaract Club of Toronto
Community Fundraising Coordinator
ShelterBox Canada
Member, Rotaract Club of Toronto
Community Fundraising Coordinator
ShelterBox Canada
Visit Our Action Toolkit
ShelterBox is proud to be Rotary International’s Project Partner in disaster relief, further strengthening a global circle of friendship. The Action Toolkit is designed to provide the information and tools you need to support the partnership between Rotary and ShelterBox in your communities.
ShelterBox and Rotary are official Project Partners in international disaster relief. ShelterBox Canada is a registered charity independent of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation. Charitable Registration # 84628 3208 RR0001
ShelterBox and Rotary are official Project Partners in international disaster relief. ShelterBox Canada is a registered charity independent of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation. Charitable Registration # 84628 3208 RR0001