Rotary Awards and Recognition

Recognizing Individuals and Rotary Clubs
Rotary International offers numerous awards to recognize the generous donations of time and money of individual Rotarians, Rotary clubs and non-Rotarians. Eligible nominators may submit nominations according to each award's criteria and guidelines.
Please note: Although some awards must be endorsed (nominator) by the District Governor, it does not prevent club presidents from recommending an individual to the DG. Before doing so check the criteria required for an individual to qualify.
Rotary International/District 7010/The Rotary Foundation Awards the District and Clubs participate in - view here.
Complete list of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation - Awards & Recognition
District 7010 recognizes Clubs with the District Governor Club Achievement Award each Rotary Year for fulfilling a given number of criteria. Please view the Club President's Briefcase to view the current award criteria.